The following is a list of securities analysts covering our company.
Company name (in Japanese syllabary order)
Name (honorifics omitted)
Ichiyoshi Research Institute, Inc.
Katsuhiko Ishibashi
Tokai Tokyo Research Center
Shuichi Nakahara
As of March 1, 2021
- Please note that there may be other analysts who are not known to us and are therefore not included in this list. Also, note that we do not endorse or sponsor any of the analysts listed and that all or part of this information may not be the latest.
- The opinions, forecasts, and estimates of each analyst regarding our company's performance are based on their own analysis and judgment, and we do not participate in their formation.In addition, the Company does not endorse or guarantee the forecasts, opinions, or recommendations of these analysts.Investors are advised to make their own judgments and invest at their own risk.