Sakai Chemical Group Integrated Report (2024)
- 01Chemicals make dreams come true
- 02Contents
- 03History of Sakai Chemical Group
- 04Current businesses of the Sakai Chemical Group
- 05Core technologies of the Sakai Chemical Group
- 07Messege from the President
- 12Materiality and key performance indicators (KPIs)
- 13Financial and non-financial highlights
- 15Striving to become an excellent company with Smart Material
Value creation
- 39Source of value creation(Capital)
- 40On-seite initives for value creation
- 41Buseiness and human rights
- 43Human resources strategy
- 47Protecting the global enviroment_Resoponding to climate
change_disclosure based
on TCFD recommendations - 48Protecting the global eniroment_initiaties to
reduce enviromental impact - 49Responsible care initiatives
- 53Environmental and safety data
- 55Sakaikagaku_ir2024_en
- 57Risk management
- 61Directors, corporete auditors, and executive officers